Did you know there are at least 43 lawsuits filed against baby food companies Gerber, Earth's Best Organics, Plum Organics & Beech Nut for having toxic levels of heavy metals in their baby foods? These include heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury.
Check out the report by the House Committee on Oversight and Reform - it revealed overwhelming amounts of heavy metals in these baby food brands. It also revealed that these companies underreported heavy metal levels and knowingly kept their products on the market. And sadly you can't evade the metals by buying organic since three out of the four companies were.
With my daughter I bought a Baby Ninja and attempted to make baby food... which was a lot of work. So with our son, he ate the same as us - just chopped up. And he did just fine. Just food for thought if you're stressing over baby food brands. Don't get me started on the lawsuits over formula...
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