Sexy topic alert..... When you aren't moving your bowels regularly (or the bowel movements aren't well-formed), you're creating a breeding ground for pathogens and it's a sign something is off with your health.
Poor nutrition, low-fiber diet, certain medications, lack of exercise, not drinking enough water, parasites and other pathogens all contribute to unhealthy stools.
Check out the bristol stool chart. Types 3 and 4 are normal and ideal.
Healthy bowels empty 2-3 times a day with gentle elimination & no straining. They should be medium to light brown, smooth & soft in one long shape & not a bunch of pieces (S shaped like the intestines), around 1-2"in diameter and up to 18" long.
If that doesn't describe your stool, let's talk about how diet, lifestyle & detox may help get things moving.