Why you should hang upside down every day!

Who wants to counteract the negative impacts of gravitational pressure (aka aging)? I have a really easy solution for you – hang upside down every day!
If you’ve never tried an inversion table before, it’s a must! The benefits of hanging upside down are significant.
Inversion helps increase antiaging properties like reduced wrinkles & clearer skin with increased blood flow to the head.
Inversion is known to help the following...
Improves back pain (including degenerative disc disease & sciatica) along with load bearing joint pain
Allows for spinal realignment
Better posture, balance & increased flexibility
Improved lymphatic flow & drainage which aids in blood circulation & detoxification
Improves focus, stress and brain function
Antiaging properties like reduced wrinkles & clearer skin with increased blood flow to the head
If the table freaks you out, you can try an inversion chair or antigravity boots that hook on to a bar. Or you can do some good old fashioned inverted yoga poses.
Start with 30-60 seconds daily and gradually work your way up to a few minutes. #inversion #hangupsidedown #antiaging #backpain #detox #focus #reversegravity #inversiontable #degenerativediscdisease #increasebloodflow #reducewrinkles #yoga #upsidedownyoga #invertedyoga #joerogan #lookgoodfeelgooddogood