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Root canals & breast cancer

Part of my intake form asks clients if they have root canals or amalgam fillings. Awesome repost from Blodgett Dental Care on the connection between root canals & breast cancer. You can't "find the cure" if you don't know the root cause.

"Many dentists and root canal specialists claim there is no scientific data that supports a connection between root canals and breast cancer. However, data is emerging which supports the connection, and I’ll share information from one such study shortly.

But first, let’s consider the basic human anatomy of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of tiny vessels that collect fluid and waste products from the body’s tissues and drain into small glands called lymph nodes where substances that could be harmful to the body, such as bacteria or cancer cells, are trapped and removed. This helps to protect the body from infection. The lymph then passes back into the blood. The lymph vessels of the head and neck drain directly into the chest, armpit, and breast area (see image). As I have shown in numerous posts, all root canal-treated teeth are filled with microbes. These microbes are drained by the lymphatic system directly into the breast tissue. It is simple to see how the lymph nodes of the breast can become overly burdened by the chronic exposure to such microbes.

To support this notion, here is a recent study from the International Journal of Molecular Sciences titled: “Bacteria Residing at Root Canals Can Induce Cell Proliferation and Alter the Mechanical Properties of Gingival and Cancer Cells”. The study stated, “A compelling number of studies have documented the crucial role of some oral cavity-occurring microbes in the initiation and progression of cancers.”

I am not saying that all root canals cause cancer. However, root canals increase the risk of cancer. If your health goals include reducing risks for chronic diseases (like cancer!) then avoiding root canals may be more consistent with your values. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, removing root canals and other oral infections may also be a priority. If what you read here resonates with your spirit and understanding of health, then reach out through our website to become a patient today!"


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