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Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when bacteria from your large intestine migrate into your small intestine. As a result, there are more microbes in your small intestine than there should be that release toxins and trigger gut inflammation.

Symptoms of SIBO include abdominal bloating, pain, excess gas, and diarrhea and can interfere with your absorption of nutrients. Gas and bloating come from microbes fermenting carbohydrates in your gut. You exhale some of this gas through your lungs which is how doctors measure SIBO through breath testing.

The ileocecal valve controls the movement of materials between your small & large intestine. Sometimes this valve malfunctions. Parasites are a common culprit because they like to hang out in this part of the gut and can physically block the valve and keep it from closing.

Diet, medication and health disorders can increase your SIBO risk.

-Diets high in sugar & carbs promote SIBO.

-Antibiotics, antacids & other heartburn medication increase SIBO risk.

-Diseases that impact the digestive tract can also increase your propensity of getting SIBO. This includes thyroid disorders, cirrhosis, Crohn's disease, Celiac disease and diabetes.

SIBO is typically repairable through dietary changes like following the FODMAP diet and detoxing from pathogens/candida.


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