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Top 4 Reasons you can't lose weight

It's #summerbodyseason! If you’re not feeling #swimsuitready, check out these top 4 reasons why you may be struggling to #shedsomepounds… and they don't involve #caloriecounting or exercise.

#1 - #Parasiticinfection - It’s a total misconception to think #parasites only cause #weightloss. Parasites hijack your nutrients, cause you to overeat & cause #cravingsforsugar and carbs. They can also induce #metabolicsyndrome and #insulinresistance. Many people actually #loseweight after #parasitecleansing because they’re able to absorb their nutrients, subsequently #eatless and can #controlcravings.

#2 - #Nutrientdeficiencies - You may be deficient in key nutrients needed to maintain a healthy weight and metabolism like #magnesium, #potassiumand #selenium. A #hairtest is the best way to find out!

#3 - #Heavymetaltoxicity - #Heavymetals are stored in fat, increase #fatproduction in our cells and cause insulin resistance. They are also very disruptive to the thyroid, leading to an #underactivethyroid and #slowmetabolism. They also influence our #hormones that control weight, like #leptin, #cortisol and #estrogen.

#4 - #Hightoxicburden - Other toxins like #glyphosate, #mold, #microplastics, #chemicals in your #drinkingwater, #processedfood, toiletries, cleaning products and clothing contain #endocrinedisruptorsthat get #storedinfat and will #hinderyourweightlossefforts.

Need some help?! Click here to learn how you can start combating these now!


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