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- Is Your Home Hiding Toxins? 🌿 Detox Your Air Naturally!
Is Your Home Hiding Toxins? 🌿 Detox Your Air Naturally! Did you know indoor air pollution can be 10x worse than outdoor air —sometimes even higher? 😳 If you're renovating, painting, or spending time in places like nail salons, you’re likely exposed to hidden toxins from paints, furniture, flooring, cleaners, dust, mold, and cooking exhaust. The good news? You can purify your air naturally while adding beauty to your space with air-cleansing plants ! 🌱 ✨ Bromeliad – Removes 80% of toxins in just 12 hours & eliminates 92% of benzene (found in cigarette smoke & candles). ✨ Dracaena – Filters 94% of acetone , a chemical in nail polish remover, cleaners & paint. ✨ Snake Plant – Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, and other indoor allergens. (Perfect for plant newbies, they're almost impossible to kill 😅) ✨ Spider Plant – Eliminates 80% of toxins from ink, paints & pesticides. ✨ Jade Plant – Purifies up to 91% of toluene (found in glues, paints & stain removers). ✨ Areca Palm – Acts as a humidifier and great for general overall cleanliness. ✨ Peace Lilly – Removes mold, formaldyhyde & trichloroethylene. It's great for bathrooms! 💡Pro tip - Look for organic plants & potting soil and avoid plastic potters.
- Crunchy funnies... and you totally have parasites! 🪱🪱
This video had me WEAK!!!! 😂😂 This is 1000% me. I reference castor oil at least 20 times a day. 😅 And he's right - you totally have parasites and CellCore is AMAZNG! Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing. Crunchy funnies... and you totally have parasites! Awesome vid @prestonearnest #parasitecleanse #cellcore #cellcorepractitioner #holistic #crunchymama #cruchywife #reversechronicdisease #naturalhealing #antiparasitics #parasitedetox #castoroil #redlight #cellcoreparasitecleanse #fullmooncleanse
- My Cancer to Red-Pilled Journey
With all of the breast cancer awareness stuff popping up on my feed, I’ve felt convicted to tell my story. My journey into holistic wellness started with a thyroid cancer diagnosis almost a decade ago. Like most people I was scared, wanted the cancer out of my body as quickly as possible, trusted my doc and never got a second opinion. I definitely never considered healing my cancer naturally as a possible solution. I was very uneasy about removing a gland necessary for so many metabolic processes & being dependent on medication for the rest of my life.... but that was the option I was given. After watching a good friend's 2 year old power through 6 months of chemo, I considered myself lucky that I just needed thyroid removal & radiation. I had two babies at home myself and just needed to power through to be "cancer free." Once I had my surgery, I started researching. And the trip down that rabbit hole forever changed my life. I learned that the root cause of all disease stems from things like toxins, pathogens, chronic stress and undealt with trauma. And that powerful compounds in certain foods, teas, essential oils and supplements were strong enough to reverse cancer. I learned that the pharmaceutical companies took over the medical schools in the 1920-30's... and turned medicine from prevention and root-cause based protocols to institutions focused on patented pharmaceuticals and surgeries instead. I realized that big insurance and big pharma’s goal is to create repeat customers... if I don't have a thyroid, I'm taking meds for the rest of my life. It's a frustrating experience when you get red pilled and feel like you got played. But instead of letting those emotions consume me, I completely transformed our lives and committed to helping as many others as I possibly could to overcome chronic disease through detox, diet & lifestyle. The most important thing I realized that God gave us everything we need to overcome disease in nature. It's literally written in his word... " The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations. " -Revelation 22:2. When it comes to cancer, these are some FAQ’s I wish I was aware of before I made my treatment decision: · The cancer industry is a business & makes hundreds of billions of dollars a year. · Oncological care is the only type of medical care where doctors get kickbacks/reimbursements based on treatments. · Chemo was discovered after post-mortem autopsies revealed shrunken lymphocytes when mustard gas was dropped during the world wars. Yes, it's a derivative of mustard gas. · While chemo may shrink a tumor, it doesn’t kill the stem cells and actually genetically modifies & stimulates cancer stem cell growth… which typically causes cancer to come back stronger & more aggressive, along with create secondary cancers. · People don't typically die of cancer. They die from pneumonia, liver/kidney failure, sepsis, cachexia, etc. because of chemo-induced low immunity. · Surgery & biopsies spill cancer. "Getting it all" is a myth. · It's estimated that half of all cancer is medically induced (mostly from chemo & radiation) · 97% of people who undergo chemo don't survive past 5 years. Check out the 14 year study called “The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-year Survival in Adult Malignancies” . · Docs could suffer adverse consequences if they don't practice chemo & radiation including losing their license. There may be docs that realize chemo isn't the way but feel like their hands are tied. It's actually against the law in California for docs to recommend integrative medical care for cancer. · In one survey over 90 % of physicians, particularly oncologists, stated they would not prescribe the drug they give to their patients should a loved one get cancer. · Cancer takes years to develop and the rush into chemo and surgery is not as urgent as you may think. · We all have cancer cells in our bodies every day. Healthy immune systems are just able to fight them off so they don't metastasize. · Physicians have the highest rate of suicide than any other profession, and oncologists have the highest rate of suicide within the profession. · Drug companies Bayer, BASF & Hoechst formed a medical cartel called IG Farben and were directly responsible for the extermination camps in Auschwitz. If you're considering chemo, I would find out if your drugs are made by any of these companies. · Many cancer organizations like Susan G. Komen and the American Cancer Society are essentially money laundering business for pharma and spend very little dollars actually searching for "the cure.” · There's likely a strong correlation between cancer and parasitic infection. Thousands of folks have had success treating their cancers with repurposed drugs like Ivermectin & Fenbendazole as part of their protocol. Here's more on that: Dr. Lodi/Dr. Group on Parasites & Cancer , Dr. Lee Merritt on Parasites & Cancer , Dr. Tenpenny & Dr. Dean on Parasites & Cancer , Ivermectin , Cancer/Parasite headlines , Joe Tippens , Parasitic cysts mistaken for cancer , Cysts/Tumors & parasites , Castor oil packs for cancer More food for thought... Most people are aware that chemo is a carcinogen. Why then does it make sense to give a carcinogen to treat cancer? If chemo’s so toxic that hazmat suits must be worn to administer it, how is it logical that chemo is supposed to make you well? The best analogy I've heard is that chemo/radiation is like bombing your house to deal your pest problem… the pests are gone but you blew up your house… when maybe all you needed to do was take out the trash. Is the collateral damage worth it? There are natural health clinics all over the country that can help you reverse cancer through diet, detox and therapies like Rife, acupuncture and chelation. These clinics tout the same success rates if not better than conventional medicine, significantly reduce the risk of repeat cancers as root causes are typically addressed and lifestyle changes are made that promote wellness…. and unlike conventional medicine the therapies used are not carcinogenic themselves. When you look are cancer survivors... who is thriving? What treatment protocols did they use and what did they do after? Join some cancer support groups on Facebook and start asking questions! My message today is really one of hope. If you or someone you know is struggling with cancer, you have options. And thanks to covid, many people have opened their eyes to the corruption with pharma and our governing agencies. Take some time to do some research before jumping in to a protocol you don't feel comfortable with. Share your research with your docs and see what they say. This is your life and you only get one... knowledge is power. No matter where you are in your journey... it's never too late to try something new. I’ll drop the link below where I’ll share lots of great resources including treatment centers I recommend to my loved ones. “ My people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge .” Hosea 4:6 “ It's Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled. ” – Mark Twain. “ Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. ” Ephesians 5:11 Awesome cancer resources The Truth About Cancer - Their website is robust and this 9 part docu-series is a must see. Check out Episode 1 - it's a jaw dropper. Chris Beats Cancer Nathan Crane The Answer to Cancer Stop Cancer Naturally Brave Beyond the Cancer Treatment Centers Connors Clinic Oasis for Healing Centers for Advanced Medicine Hoxsey Biomedical Center Breast Cancer Conqueror Holistic BioSpa The Wellness & Aesthetic Center Hope 4 Cancer Real Health MD Root Causes Brio-Medical Utopia Cancer Center VB locals - Reboot
- 🚨 5G, Parasites & Your Health – What You NEED to Know!
Dr. Henry Ealy warns that 5G isn’t just about faster internet—it actually promotes infections, including yeast overgrowth and parasitic activity. Studies are showing just how disastrous EMFs can be for your health. We are drowning in electromagnetic radiation like never before—5G can emit up to 80 GHz, and the WHO classifies EMFs in the same cancer risk category as smoking. But because we love our modern conveniences, many don’t want to acknowledge the risks. From cell phones, WiFi routers, and smart meters to Bluetooth devices and power lines—we are constantly exposed. Symptoms of EMF exposure include headaches, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, infertility, and even DNA damage. Don’t wait until symptoms show up. Protect yourself NOW! Click here to grab my top EMF protection must-haves! ⚡🔗 #EMFProtection #5GHealth #DetoxToHeal #5G #fiveG #firstgeneration #carcinogen
- 🚨 You take 10,000 breaths a day… but is your air making you sick? 🚨
We obsess over clean eating and non-toxic products, but what about the air we breathe? The average person eats 2–3 pounds of food daily, drinks 2–3 liters of water… but breathes in 10,000 liters of air. Yet, indoor air can be up to 10X more toxic than outdoor air! 🔬 Hidden toxins in your home could be wrecking your health: ❌ Mold – even in brand-new homes! ❌ Off-gassing from flooring, carpets & furniture ❌ Cooking fumes & chemicals ❌ Flame retardants, paints & adhesives on flooring & furniture ❌ Vaping/smoking Do you feel better when you leave your home, school, or office? Have you struggled with unexplained symptoms, sinus issues, brain fog, or fatigue? Mold and toxins could be the culprit! Mold illness mimics other conditions and can colonize in your gut, lungs, and sinuses—making detox impossible if your environment is still toxic. 🛑 " You can’t fully detox your body if you don’t detox your home." -Mike Feldstein, founder of Jaspr AIr Purifiers. 🛑 ✅ I use air-purifying plants & high-quality air filters to clear out invisible toxins. ✅When we got new flooring, my FIRST question was: Is it low-tox? 💨 If you’re serious about detoxing, start with your home. Don’t let hidden toxins keep you sick! 📩 DM me for my list of the best air-purifying plants! Click here for my full detox protocols. Great clip from Dr. Josh Axe and Mike Feldstein. #DetoxYourHome #DetoxYourBody #HealthHack #WellnessJourney #KnowBetterDoBetter #InvisibleToxins #BreatheClean #ToxicFreeLiving #NonToxicHome #HolisticHealth #NaturalHealing #MoldIllness #MoldToxins #AirQualityMatters #CleanAirCleanBody
Real Housewives star Brandi Glanville has been speaking out about having parasites in her face , and it’s making headlines! Her costar, Dr. Terry Dubrow , performed a biopsy, and they’re still waiting for results. He suspects it could be microorganisms like microbacterium, fungus, or even a reaction to something she had injected. But here’s the truth Whether it’s parasites, toxins, or a combination of both, it ALL comes back to detox. Most people have parasites —they just don’t know it yet. And if you’ve got toxins and heavy metals in your system, you’re giving these critters the perfect home to thrive. But WARNING: You can’t just jump into a parasite cleanse without prepping your body first. If your drainage pathways (colon, liver, kidneys, lymph, skin) aren’t open, detoxing can make you sicker by dumping toxins straight into your bloodstream. That’s what causes “die-off” symptoms! Step 1: Open drainage pathways. Step 2: Kill parasites + clear pathogens. Step 3: Detox heavy metals ( which keep parasites coming back !). If you’re struggling with bloating, skin issues, brain fog, fatigue, or stubborn weight , parasites and toxins could be to blame. Click here to start detoxing the RIGHT way before they take over! #ParasiteCleanse #Detox #ToxicLoad #toxicburden #faceparasites #detoxbotox #botoxdetox #fillerdetox #botoxprobs #parasitetesting #parasitesymptons #symptomsofparasites #cellcoreparakit #cellcoreparasitecleanse #cellcorepractitioner #safeheavymetaldetox #detoxheavymetals #botoxistoxic #fillersarebad #botoxprobs
- Five Years Later: How Covid Adversity Shaped Me
Five years ago today, as the world braced for lockdowns, I went out with some girlfriends for one last hurrah. None of us could have predicted what was truly in store—not just in the coming weeks or months, but for years to come. I never feared the virus. Instead, I leaned into my holistic teachings and the trusted health professionals who prioritized real healing over CDC rhetoric. I understood the metabolic profiles of those at risk, and I knew my family didn’t fall into that category. Armed with supplements, oils, and natural medicinals, I felt prepared—though we never got sick. Fear never took hold in our home. My kids’ lives remained largely unchanged because we chose to surround ourselves with others who lived without fear. We never locked down, never masked—except for me & my daughter’s masks made from lace and my husband and son’s cheesecloth version when compliance was required. That was as far as we were willing to go. But what did scare me? The deep-seated fear in others—the ones who saw people like me as selfish super-spreaders. I wasn’t afraid of a virus, but I was deeply troubled by the division, the propaganda, and the blind trust in mainstream narratives. The stress and frustration hit me so hard that I developed shingles. Thankfully, I had natural antivirals on hand, and it passed quickly. But that moment was a turning point. I realized I couldn’t live in a constant state of anger—I had to channel my energy into something greater. So, I turned inward. I discovered yoga, knowing I needed more namaste in my life. I delved into nervous system work, an area of healing I had never explored. While I had always felt confident in the physical aspects of health, I came to understand that the metaphysical side is just as—if not more—important when it comes to true healing. I also took action. My kids and I attended rallies, school board meetings, and even made it onto the news. I signed petitions, wrote legislators, and became an advocate for medical freedom. My kids weren’t just along for the ride—they were active participants. They proudly held mask exemptions at school and stood firm in their beliefs, becoming little leaders in their own right. Through all of this, my children learned invaluable lessons: ✅ Leaders don’t always get it right. ✅ Questioning authority is not just a right—it’s a necessity. ✅ Freedom of speech must always be protected. ✅ Sometimes, standing for what’s right means standing alone. At the time, I never would have imagined saying this, but that adversity made us stronger . I’m no longer on a holistic island—I’ve found my tribe. My family never wavered in our convictions, even when the easy path would have been to conform. And for that, I’m incredibly proud. I’m also grateful—for the new friendships, the deepened wisdom, and the spiritual growth that came from it all. God had already red-pilled me before 2020, and because of that, I faced it all eyes wide open . Today, I have more peace, more light, and more love than ever before. Now that the dust has settled and so many truths have come to light, I pray we never have to endure something like this again. But if I could go back, I wouldn’t change a thing—because the person I am today is stronger, wiser, and more aligned than the woman I was five years ago. And for that, I am thankful. Here's a compilation of pics & posts from that first year of covid that really resonated with me. Hope you enjoy! 🤩❤️ #march132020 #march2020 #covid19 #lockdowns #mandates #mandatefree #iwillnotcomply #maskfree #vaccinefree #staystrong #protectspeech #fightforyourrights #medicalfreedom
- 🔥 The Natural Ozempic Alternative—Boost GLP-1 for Safe Weight Loss
How to Activate GLP-1 Naturally for Faster Fat Loss You’ve probably heard about Ozempic and other weight loss injections—but did you know they work by mimicking a natural hormone called GLP-1 ? While these drugs come with serious risks like pancreatic cancer, kidney failure, and even blindness, there’s a far safer way to get the same benefits naturally. How GLP-1 Helps You Lose Weight: ✔ Controls Hunger – Signals your brain that you're full, reducing cravings ✔ Stabilizes Blood Sugar – Fewer spikes mean fewer energy crashes ✔ Boosts Metabolism – Helps your body burn more fat efficiently ✔ Reduces Fat Storage – Encourages your body to use fat for energy instead of storing it The good news? You don’t need injections to activate GLP-1. I recommend two powerhouse supplements to naturally enhance GLP-1 production and help you lose weight safely : 🔥 Akkermansia – This probiotic strengthens gut health, reduces inflammation, and promotes GLP-1 production for better appetite control. (Shoot for high potency 500M AFUs). 🔥 GLP Activate – Formulated to naturally enhance your body’s GLP-1 levels and optimize metabolism for sustainable fat loss. 👉 SPECIAL OFFER: Get 20% OFF these weight loss essentials through my FullScript portall ! Plus, check out my post on castor oil for weight loss to maximize your results. Click here to shop my Weight Loss Protocol & Save 20% Click here to learn more about weight loss resistance & potential root causes. Got questions? DM me and let’s find the best approach for you!
- Supplements that support GLP-1 are emerging as a game-changer for weight loss
The reason weight loss injections like Ozempic work is because they mimic the effects of GLP-1 (Glucagon-Like Peptide-1) in the body. There are far safer ways to boost GLP-1 than taking harmful injections that are causing serious conditions like pancreatic cancer, kidney failure, blindness and other debilitating side effects. GLP-1 is a hormone that naturally helps control hunger and insulin levels. By slowing down stomach emptying, GLP-1 makes you feel full longer. GLP-1 boosting supplements promote your body's natural GLP-1 levels, helping you eat less and lose weight. It's like having a natural appetite regulator working for you. How It Works: 1. Appetite Regulation : GLP-1 is released in your gut when you eat, signaling your brain that you're full. It slows stomach emptying, keeping you satisfied longer and reducing the urge to snack. 2. Insulin Production : GLP-1 boosts insulin production, helping lower blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar means fewer cravings and easier adherence to your diet. 3. Energy Use : In the brainstem, GLP-1 enhances how efficiently your body uses energy, boosting metabolism and aiding weight loss. 4. Fat Storage : By balancing certain fats (NEFA) in the blood, GLP-1 reduces fat storage and promotes using fat for energy. There are two different products I love for my clients. Akkermansia - generates the postbiotics propionate and p9 which induce GLP-1 production. Maximum strength 500 million AFU live Akkermansia muciniphila seems to generate the best results to improve gut health, strengthen the gut lining, and reduce gut permeability. GLP Activate - enhances natural GLP-1 production Check out my Weight Loss protocol in FullScript and DM to get 20% off! Check out my post on castor oil for weight loss to maximize your efforts.
- Struggling with Weight Loss? Let’s Create a Natural Plan That Works for You
If you’re taking (or considering) Ozempic for weight loss or diabetes, you need to know about its serious risks —including pancreatic cancer, kidney failure, and vision loss . The good news? There are safer, natural alternatives that support weight loss and balanced blood sugar without the dangerous side effects. 👉 Click here to learn about Ozempic’s risks. 👉 Click here for natural, science-backed alternatives. Struggling to Lose Weight? These Could Be the Real Issues If you’re doing “all the right things” but still struggling to lose weight, it may be due to: ❌ Parasitic infections – Hidden gut invaders can disrupt metabolism and cause cravings. ❌ Heavy metal toxicity – Toxins stored in fat can make weight loss more difficult. ❌ High toxic burden – Your body holds onto fat when detox pathways are blocked. ❌ Nutrient deficiencies – Magnesium, potassium, and other minerals are crucial for metabolic health. (A hair test can reveal imbalances!) Want to Start Losing Weight Naturally? Here’s How: ✔ Get a Lumen – Track your metabolism in real-time for personalized weight loss insights. ✔ Try intermittent fasting – Improve insulin sensitivity and boost fat burning. ✔ Take adaptogenic herbs – I recommend S-TRO & Metabolic Activator for hormone balance. ✔ Hydrate – Drink plenty of filtered water (ditch the plastics!). ✔ Use an infrared sauna – Sweat out toxins and speed up metabolism. ✔ Avoid seed oils & sugar – Prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods to support fat loss. Let’s Create Your Personalized Plan There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. If you're tired of struggling and want real, sustainable results , I’d love to help! 📆 Schedule a consultation to get a custom detox, diet, and supplement plan designed for your body’s unique needs . 🔥 Click here to book your consultation now. Your journey to better health starts today—I’d love to be a part of it!
- WARNING - Graphic! Real parasite pics & testimonials
WARNING - Graphic! To my nay-sayers... these are REAL pics 🪱 & testimonials from My CLIENTS that did the Para Kit leading up to this month's worm moon. Are you rethinking every movement in your body now 🤢?! Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing! #strongyloides #parasitecleanse #fullmooncleanse #parakit #wormmoon #strongyloidesstercoralis #threadworm #threadworms #gutparasite #intestinalparasite #gutinfection #constipationproblems #parasites #parasitecleanse #parasitedetox #fullmoon #fullmooncleanse #fullmoondetox #tapeworms #worms
- The Hidden Reason Your Sinus Infections Keep Coming Back (Hint: It’s Not Allergies)
Are parasites hiding in your sinuses (yes, really!) If you struggle with chronic sinus congestion, stuffy nose, or sinus infections, it might not just be allergies… Parasites, bacteria, and toxins could be lurking in your nasal passages—keeping you stuck in a cycle of inflammation and infection. Sinus issues are linked to way more than just congestion. They can be connected to ADHD, anxiety, asthma, autoimmune diseases (like lupus & rheumatoid arthritis), migraines, and even diabetes. Here’s why: ➡️ Parasites & bacteria: A shocking percentage of people with chronic sinus issues have nematodes , filarial worms , and even MRSA in their noses. ➡️ Candida & mold: Fungal overgrowth can trigger ongoing sinus inflammation. ➡️ Toxins & past medications: Vaccines , antibiotics , and pollutants can disrupt your body's natural defenses. ➡️ Structural issues: Scarring from past sinus surgeries or anatomical abnormalities can make things worse. How to Clear It Out & Breathe Freely Again ✅ Open drainage pathways to flush out toxins. ✅ Use a nasal rinse with Para 3 to target parasites hiding in your sinuses. ✅ Take Para 1 to break down biofilms and clear out stubborn infections. Want personalized support? I’ll help you identify hidden root causes, stop the cycle of reinfection, and fine-tune your diet & lifestyle for long-term relief. Let’s get you breathing freely again! Click here to get started!