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  • Easy Detox Spray for Kids (and Adults!)

    Lots of moms ask me the best way to detox their kids ... especially since most kids can't take capsules . We take liquid zeolite everyday - it's a spray and tastes like water so it's super easy for kids. It's also safe during pregnancy and nursing unlike other detox protocols. Zeolite is a natural chelator that binds to toxins like mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, radioactive particles and volatile organic compounds and removes them from your body. Thanks to this awesome infographic you can see that toxins are literally everywhere so regular detox is key for optimum health. Here are some ways zeolite can help you: -Weight loss - toxins are stored in fat cells making it hard to lose weight. -Improved memory, clarity and focus . -Improved energy and sleep . -Improved immune system. We use Touchstone Essentials , a more natural version of the popular TRS spray but less expensive & the bottle is bigger, highly recommend! It also happens to be Terrence Howard's fave . 🤩 Happy cleansing! #holisticliving #wellnessjourney #nontoxicliving #chemicalfreehome #guthealth #holisticwellness #cleanliving #organiclifestyle #naturalliving #chemicalfreeliving #crunchymom #sleepsupport #naturaloptions #crunchymama #nanotechnology #heavymetals #pesticides #familyhealth #brainhealth #toxinfreeliving #naturalhealth #naturalwellness #holistichealing #naturalremedies #naturalmedicine #nochemicals #toxinfree #mineralsupplement #nontoxic #thegoodinside #zeolite

  • Actor Terrence Howard on his heavy metal detox results

    Actor Terrence Howard shares how he uses Touchstone Essentials zeolite detox pack to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins on the @joeroganexperience . He credits it for improved skin, reduction is dark circles and weight loss. 💪 Want the pack? Click here ! Click here to learn more about everyday sources of toxic heavy metals. If you want to learn more about how detox, diet and lifestyle changes can help you reach your wellness goals, let's chat ! #heavymetaldetox #zeolite #mercury #aluminum #lead #arsenic #chromium #cadmium #heavymetals #removeheavymetals #heavymetalpoisoning #loseweightnaturally #aluminumtoxicity #mercurytoxicity #hormonesupport #naturalweightloss #chelators #binders #loseweightjourney #thimerosal

  • Castor oil pack benefits

    Castor oil is the deepest penetrating oil, and wearing castor oil packs over areas of dysfunction can have massive benefits. They're usually placed over the liver, thyroid or mid-section and have the ability to Improve digestion Shrink uterine fibroids Reduce/shrink cysts in ovaries, breast & thyroid Shrink tumors Reduce symptoms of PCOS Reduce gallbladder stones Reduce headaches/migraines Detox the liver Improve lymphatic drainage Reduce gut inflammation Shorten periods & reduce cramps Improve skin, reduce acne, eczema, roseasea and psoriasis Foster hair growth Click here  to see what I use, and be sure to grab an organic flannel  so you don't get your clothes oily! It's super important you use organic castor oil in a glass bottle because the oil has the ability to bring toxins from plastic into the epidermis if it isn't packaged properly. You also want to use organic cotton or flannel as a covering for the same reason. I put castor oil on my abdomen almost nightly and it helped me lose 12 pounds without making changes to my diet or exercise routine. If you want to learn more about how detox, diet and lifestyle changes can help you reach your wellness goals, let's chat ! #castoroil #castoroilpack #naturalhealing #healyourbodynaturally #CastorOilChallenge #castoroilbenefits #QueenOfThrones #castoroilforhair #castoroilmagic #liverdetox #liverdetoxification #shrinkcysts #shrinktumors #improvedigestion #improveskin #improvePMS #pmsrelief #cysts #tumors

  • Castor oil can help dissolve tumors/cysts, heal bone spurs and improve TONS of digestive issues

    Dr. Barbara O'Neill breaks down how castor oil can dissolve cysts & tumors, improve TONS of gut issues and can even help heal bone spurs. Click here to see what I use, and be sure to grab an organic flannel so you don't get your clothes oily! It's super important you use organic castor oil in a glass bottle because the oil has the ability to bring toxins from plastic into the epidermis if it isn't packaged properly. You also want to use organic cotton or flannel as a covering for the same reason. Click here to learn more about all of the amazing castor oil benefits... including how it helped me lose 12 pounds ! 🤩 If you want to learn more about how detox, diet and lifestyle changes can help you reach your wellness goals, let's chat ! #barbaraoneill #castoroil #castoroilpack #naturalhealing #healyourbodynaturally

  • How I lost 12 pounds without changing diet or exercise

    I lost 12 pounds over the last 6 months without making changes to my diet or exercise.  Here's how: I started using nightly castor oil packs!   -Castor oil has an amazing ability to purge toxins from fat.  Toxins are stored in fat. One of fat's purposes is to absorb certain toxins to prevent them from going to other parts of your body. This includes things like pesticides, heavy metals, mold, pollutants, microplastics, preservatives, mold & pathogens. These toxins can also cause insulin resistance, disrupt your thyroid and affect other fat-related hormones like leptin, cortisol & estrogen. -Castor oil has the ability to break up lumps, bumps, lesions and scar tissue that may be encouraging fat.  -Castor oil fosters hormonal balances.  It's the deepest penetrating oil so placed topically, it can penetrate our hormone producing glands and promote optimal hormone levels.   It's super important you use organic castor oil in a glass bottle. Because the oil has the ability to bring toxins purge toxins, you don't want to drive BPA, pesticides and microplastics into the dermis.   You also want to use organic cotton or flannel as a covering for the same reason.  Sign up in my FullScript portal to get 20% off your castor oil pack. Questions?  Shoot me a DM!   #castoroil #castoroilpack #naturalhealing #healyourbodynaturally #weightlossresistance #losebellyfat #heavymetaldetox #naturalweightloss #detoxyourbody #insulinresistance #fathormones

  • Moles & skin tags are NOT normal

    Don't normalize the development of moles or skin tags, especially if they're abundant. It's likely your body's way of telling you something more is going on. Moles 👇 Only about 1 in 100 people are actually born with a mole, so that means most moles develop from other factors. We know that excessive sun exposure, tanning beds and having fair skin can increase your mole risk. What you likely didn't know is that moles, especially when in abundance, are often associated with poor drainage & a sluggish liver. The liver regulates how the body rids itself of toxins. Because skin is our largest organ, it's our body's preferred way to eliminate toxins. This often exhibits rashes, acne, eczema, or psoriasis or moles. We live in a toxic world and are exposed to toxins in our air, food, water, plastics, clothing, toiletries, cleaning products and so on. Some medications can also cause mole formation, including medications that suppress your immune system, hormones, antibiotics, or antidepressants. If you're experiencing an overgrowth of moles, your body could be overburdened with toxicities. Skin tags 👇 Skin tags are more common in those who are overweight or obese and are typically associated with metabolic syndrome. They are also associated with cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and insulin resistance. For that reason, people with skin tags often have a higher BMI and waist circumference, as well as higher blood sugar and cholesterol levels. If your experiencing an abundance of skin tags, you may benefit from eating a diet low in sugar & simple carbs. Click here to check out the absolute best natural mole, wart & skin tag remover that actually works. If you want to learn more about detox, natural remedies for moles/skin tags + learn how to minimize your toxic burden, shoot a DM. #moles #skintags #toxicities #metabolicsyndrome #insulinresistance #moleremoval #moleproblems #moleproblem #skintagtreatment #skintagproblem #skintagdestruction #detoxyourbodynaturally #detoxyourbodycorrectly #toxinscausecancer #ditchthetoxins #toxinsinfood #toxinsinwater #skindisorders #drainagepathwaysopen

  • Client's hot flashes dimished after 1 parasite cleanse!

    Hot flashes?! Here's one protocol your doc didn't tell you about - parasite cleansing! Check out these results from my client. She's mid 40's and has been struggling with hot flashes and night sweats. She's almost finished with her first Para Kit and already seeing big gains - she's going to do one more round to knock these symptoms out. Many people parasite cleanse because they're hoping to curb sugar cravings, lose weight, have more energy, improve sleep, help reverse chronic disease... or maybe because they're just really intrigued. But there can be so many other benefits and oftentimes people reap benefits that weren't even on their radar. Many of my clients have reported noticeable improvements post parasite cleanse with the following (and this is a short list)... Warts Dandruff RLS Skin fungus Nail ridges & spots Bad breath Clearer eyes Cracking joints Less boogers Quit fingernail biting or messing with their fingers Menstrual symptoms Drooling while asleep Infertility Sometimes these critters are impacting you more than you know. Click here to learn more about parasite cleansing. #healthimprovements #parasitecleansing #sleepdrooling #sleepdrool #wartremovalathome #warttreatment #skinfungus #nailfungustreatment #nailspots #hotflashes #HotFlashesRelief #nightsweats #infertilityprobs #infertilitysuccessstory #boogersinmynose #noseboogers #cleareyes #rlstreatment #restlessleghelp #reducesugarcravings #naturalweightlossresults

  • Client has such great results she becomes certified!

    #clientwins   #holsticnutritionist   #naturalhealing   #workwithme

  • Joe Rogan & Mel Gibson talk antiparasitics and cancer

    Great clip from the Joe Rogan Experience with Mel Gibson about the benefits of  #antiparasitics  like  #ivermectin  and  #fenbendazole  against cancer. I have been posting about this connection for years! Glad the word is getting out and people are healing. Click here  to learn more about parasite cleansing #naturalcancertreatments  # #healcancernaturally   #ivermectinforcancer   #ivermectinheals   #antiparasiticsheal   #healyourbodynaturally   #youcanhealcancer   #pharmafree   #pharmafreehealing   #rogangibson   #joeroganmelgibson

  • L. Reuteri helped clear my daughter's teenage acne

    Check out my pretty 13 year old! The teenage acne came in with a quickness. I knew the probiotic strain L. Reuteri was best for acne and other skin issues so she started taking it a month ago - check out how much her skin cleared up! No filter & only difference was the after pic was taken in the evening vs afternoon - but I wanted to share asap because her face has cleared up SO much. Most of the redness in the after pic is pigmentation from the breakouts which will fade out - literally only two zits left.   Anyone out there struggling with acne - you may find this product helpful! I usually don't buy my supplements from Amazon but I was having a hard time finding this strain as a standalone from my regular go-to's, and found a clean brand dispensed by the company itself vs a third party... and it's a great price too! Click here for the probiotic she used, #L .Reuteri #lactobacillusreuteri   #probiotics   #skinprobiotics   #skinfood   #probioticsforskin   #healyourguthealyourskin   #hormonalacne   #teenageacne

  • Write your senators asap to show support for RFKJ's confirmation

    FACTS. RFKJ's bringing the 🔥🔥 this week! Elon Musk retweeted this out to MILLIONS: "The hostility @RobertKennedyJr is experiencing at his hearing was directly proportional to how much Pharma money each Senator received." Look at the pitifully small sums our children's bodies have been sold for." Write your Senator and share your support of @robertfkennedyjr Statements can be received up to two weeks following the conclusion of the hearing. Send a letter here - #senatehearing #rfkj #robertfkennedy #changeiscoming

  • Toxin Poll Results

    Thanks for taking my poll!!! I got you - Touchstone's Pure Body Extra spray will address all of these toxins. It's so easy - just four sprays, three times a day & tastes like water! Click here to check it out! #detox #heal #zeolitespray #heavymetaldetoxspray #holisticliving   #wellnessjourney   #nontoxicliving   #chemicalfreehome   #guthealth   #holisticwellness   #cleanliving   #organiclifestyle   #naturalliving   #chemicalfreeliving   #crunchymom   #sleepsupport   #naturaloptions   #crunchymama   #nanotechnology   #heavymetals   #pesticides   #familyhealth   #brainhealth   #toxinfreeliving   #naturalhealth   #naturalwellness   #holistichealing   #naturalremedies   #naturalmedicine   #nochemicals   #toxinfree   #mineralsupplement   #nontoxic   #thegoodinside   #zeolite

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